
Associated Rulerships : Libra/Scorpio

Polarities: Intimacy/Manipulation

Juno is the "Divine Consort", goddess of marriage, revered for her loyalty and fidelity. Juno was known to the Greeks as Hera, from the roots he-era, "the earth", also translated as "lady", the feminine form of "hero". Her symbols are a peacock and rainbow, she holds a pomegranate in her left hand and a scepter surmounted by a cuckoo on the right.

According to the Romans, each man possesses an indwelling productive power, called his genius, and each woman had her "juno", her conceiving and bearing power. June is sacred to her, even today many women seek her blessing as "June Brides". Juno also governed the menstrual cycle. Juno symbolizes the principle of relatedness, the compulsion to realize a balanced union. She symbolizes the yearning for the "soulmate" union that is emotionally, sexually and psychologically fulfilling. When stressed, her symbol becomes that of suffering, jealousy and bitterness caused by the absence of deep spiritual and sexual union.

Individuals with prominent Juno placements express themselves through their primary relationship. In horary or mundane charts, she represents the mate, or those qualities we project onto the mate, or any other close one-to-one relationship. Along with an analysis of the 5th, 7th and 8th houses, she answers the question "What do I need in an intimate, committed relationship?"

By transit, Juno describes the timings for the inceptions of relationships as well as periods of crisis and separation. She governs the rituals of courtship, engagement, marriage, anniversaries and divorce.

In Synastry, Juno is one indicator of compatibility and karmic connection.

Juno in the Signs

Juno in Aries needs independence and freedom in relationships. Outbursts of temper and anger are the release mechanisms for the frustrated need for autonomy. The suppression of identity needs can give rise to illnesses such as migraine headaches. Attraction to a domineering and assertive individual is possible when one projects one's power onto the partner.

Juno in Taurus people need stability and groundedness in relationships. Nagging, complaining about money, and need to possess tangible assets can result from fears of abandonment and insecurity. They may possess these traits, or attract partners who express malcontent.

Juno in Gemini indicates the need for verbal stimulation and exchange in a relationship. A lack of daily communication can lead to tension. There can be a desire fore more than one mate.

Juno in Cancer people desire emotional closeness and nurturing from the relationship. Moody, withdrawn and clinging when these needs are not secured.

Juno in Leo needs admiration and excitement. The courtship must continue into the marriage, and they take pride in the partner. Being taken for granted, rejected, or ignored can produce egocentric selfish behaviour.

Juno in Virgo desires to achieve perfection in the relationship. A working relationship. May be overly critical and compulsive when the partner is unwilling to change.

Juno in Libra needs to feel an equal give and take in a relationship. Juno Libra becomes uncooperative, or combative when this need is not met.

Juno in Scorpio people crave emotional and sexual intensity and intimate bonding with the partner. There may be attempts to control the partner, or to desire exclusive attention. Jealousy, manipulation or sexual withdrawal can result.

Juno in Sagittarius individuals require intellectual stimulation with their partner. Consensus on a belief system or a shared vision of the future is required.

Juno in Capricorn people seek depth and the assurance of long term commitment and may need the security of traditional and legally sanctioned forms. They may be controlling or withdraw emotionally if their need for respect and security is threatened.

Juno in Aquarius requires the freedom to be an individual and have a life apart from the relationship. They may engage in non-committal, unreliable or erratic behavior.

Juno in Pisces people desire to realize their highest ideals through relationships. Complete faith, reverence towards/from the partner is what gives meaning and value. Martyrdom and victimization result when the idealistic expectations are not met.


Juno - Sun

The relating principle combines with identity and purpose. One's relationships tend to become a factor in personal identity. In relationship, the Juno individual tends to become wrapped up or lost in the relationship, losing personal identity to the Sun person, who usually is the leader of the two, depending on supporting factors in the chart.

Juno - Moon

The relatedness principle combines with emotional responsiveness. Need to express oneself through partnership. Stress, depression over the lack of a partner, or a partner who manifests as overbearing or overshadowing.

Juno - Mercury

The relatedness principle combines with mental expression. A partner may manifest as detached or cold, if s/he manifests at all. The person may be attracted to emotionless people as a balance or polarity to his or her deeply emotional expression, especially if the Moon is aspected as well.

Juno - Venus

The relatedness principle combines with the feminine principle of love and sexuality.

Juno - Mars

The relatedness principle combines with the masculine principle of action and assertion. Sexual troubles, conflicts, ego-struggles in relationships.


The relatedness principle combines with the expansive urge. Idealized husband and wife.

Juno - Saturn

The urge to create a solid, realistic and grounded approach to relationships.

Juno - Uranus

The relatedness principle combines with individuality and intuition. The potential to revolutionize traditional relationships role models.

Juno - Neptune

The relatedness principle combines with the transcendent urge. Psychic sensitivity and idealism in relationships.

Juno - Pluto

The relatedness principle combines with the transformative urge. Deep personal transformation through a partnership.

Juno - Athene

The mental-creative combines with the relating urge. Using partnerships to enhance the creative process. Fatherly persons may manifest as friends. Stressed, conflict between creativity needs and relationship needs. The partner may place limitations on one's creativity and accomplishments. Early father complexes may be carried over into adult relationships.

Juno - Ceres

The nurturing principle combines with relationship needs. The partner or children may become the primary recipient of unconditional love and nurturance. Stressed, there may be disagreements with one's mate over childrearing, or issues and concerns surrounding parenting generally.

Juno - Chiron

An opportunity to heal natal issues surrounding the commitment urge. One may experience the loss, or drastic reassessment of a major relationship.

Juno - Vesta

The focusing principle combines with the relating urge. This combination suggests an evolutionary path that begins with the autonomy of the self and ends with a joining with others. The ability to make a serious commitment to another. They dedicate themselves to purifying and perfecting partnerships which often take on the form of sexually fulfilled, spiritual relationships. Stressed, a conflict between personal and relationship needs. These people may feel alienated from relationships, or feel isolated within them. Sexual domination or control may also be part of the interaction.

Juno - Nodes

The relatedness principle combines with prevailing social trends.

Juno - Asc

The relatedness principle combines with the outer expression of personality. This person will have a tendency to define herself by the kinds of relationships she experiences. In relationship, the Ascendant personality takes over the Juno personality, becase Juno identifies herself so deeply with the relationship, she becomes lost within it (In a very similar manner to Juno/Sun). There is a compulsion to assist the ascendant personality in any way possible to achieve his goals, even when that means sacrifice for the Juno personality. The ascendant is not likely to appreciate this assistance, taking it for granted as part of the relationship, and unless there are trines or sextiles to support it, resentments can build on both sides.