[PAGE 419]                                        MIND AND THE RULING PLANET
                                 CHAPTER XIX
                         MIND AND THE RULING PLANET
   When we wish to study the character,  disposition and temperament of any-
one  we must first realize that the mind is the keystone of the arch of  the
human personality.  But character, disposition and temperament do not depend
so much upon the quality of mind,  whether it be keen,  sharp,  and alert or
slow and plodding,  as upon what channels it takes for its expression.   In-
tellects  of the first magnitude are sometimes put to perverted use  to  the
detriment  of the community and the individual who thus misuses  his  divine
heritage,  while a slow and very inferior mind may minister to many in lowly
but loving meekness and reap sheaves of soul-growth thereby.  Thus it is not
sufficient to determine the quality of the mentality; we must also ascertain
what  is the channel of its expression.  To judge that or any  other  matter
thoroughly  really  involves  consideration of the  horoscope  as  a  whole,
separately and apart from its bearing upon all other matters.  But in a gen-
eral  way  the character and disposition may be learned fro the  Sun,  Moon,
Mercury, Ascendant and the ruling planets.
   It has  become  the  custom  of  many astrologers to take the lord of the
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rising sign as the ruler of the horoscope.   That is correct in Medical  As-
trology because the Ascendant represents the body, but when we want to judge
the character which is the combination of all the forces focused through the
horoscopical wheel of life the matter is different.   Then we must find what
planet has the most dominant influence in the life and that is then the life
ruler  regardless  of whether or not it is the ruler of the  Ascendant.   To
find  that  planet look first to the lord of the Ascendant.   If he  is  el-
evated, essentially dignified or angular and strongly aspected, remember, it
matters  not whether the aspects are good or bad as long as they  are  close
and plentiful (for if it were only the good aspects that made the ruler then
there  would be only good people in the world.   But we know that there  are
people  of all shades of character and therefore it is necessary  to  select
the ruler according to the aspects,  regardless of whether they are good  or
bad),  and above all,  if the aspects are close, then the lord of the Ascen-
dant is also the ruling planet,  for he will exercise the most potent influ-
ence in the life.
   On  the  other hand if another planet is more highly  elevated  than  the
ruler of the Ascendant, if it is exalted, essentially dignified or placed in
an angle and its aspects re more plentiful or closer than the aspects of the
lord of the Ascendant,  the judge that that planet will be the ruler of  the
horoscope and exercise a dominant  influence  in  the life regardless of the
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fact that it is not the ruler of the rising sign.
   But  if  there  are two planets running neck-and-neck  in  the  race  for
rulership,  so to speak,  with no strongly marked difference in favor of one
or the other so that it is difficult to make a choice,  do not utterly  dis-
card one and choose the other, for then they will both be very active in the
life and must be classed as co-rulers.
                       THE INFLUENCE OF RULING PLANETS
                                WELL ASPECTED
   When the vital,  courageous and ambitious well aspected Sun is ruler,  it
gives dignity to the whole nature,  a lofty price that would not stoop to do
anything small,  mean or degrading,  a fine and noble courage that may  show
itself on occasion as much by disdainfully ignoring the attacks of an adver-
sary whom he considers too far beneath his notice as by a fight to the death
for a principle.  There is an intense craving for recognition and leadership
which will make it very difficult for him to occupy a subordinate  position;
also an intense warm-hearted, affectionate and demonstrative nature.
   When the refined,  luxurious and musical well aspected Venus is ruler  of
the horoscope it gives tender, loving, even amorous nature which craves love
[PAGE 422]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS
as we all desire air, for love is the very life breath of such people.  They
are extremely fond of children and usually have many pets which serve as av-
enues for their expression of love.  They are also pleasure-loving and  fond
of social intercourse,  neat and artistic in their ideas and in the  decora-
tion of their homes.   They love jewelry and anything else that adds  beauty
to the life;  they are luxurious in all their tastes,  very amiable and much
beloved by all;  their greatest faults is an inordinate love of ease and  an
aversion to soiling their hands.
   When  Mercury the planet of reason, expression and dexterity is the  well
aspected life ruler it gives a keen,  quick-witted mind which craves  knowl-
edge  as a thirsty man craves water and absorbs it as readily,  a mind  that
solves,  apparently without effort, the most intricate problems.  Thus there
is  ability  in the various branches of mental endeavor,  science  and  lit-
erature, but these people are also very apt and forceful orators and have an
extraordinary  dexterity so that they can usually turn their hands  to  any-
thing.   They  are  fond of traveling and very successful  as  salesmen  and
[PAGE 423]                                        MIND AND THE RULING PLANET
   When  the romantic,  imaginative and restless well aspected Moon  is  the
life ruler,  the people born unders its influence are indeed rolling  stones
and far fields always look greenest to them.   Therefore they have an  over-
whelming  desire for travel and change which generally does not permit  them
to stay in one place longer than necessary to earn the money which will  en-
able them to go to the next.   They have a most vivid and fanciful  imagina-
tion and a romantic nature entirely foreign to any practical endeavor; list-
less,  restless  and unstable as the tide that comes and goes,  flotsam  and
jetsam upon the sea of life.  They are generally mediumistic, though usually
unconsciously so, but are otherwise quite harmless through utterly irrespon-
sible and untrustworthy where anything requiring an effort is concerned.
   When  the serious,  sagacious and profound well aspected Saturn  is  life
ruler,  the people born under its influence are of a profoundly  thoughtful,
serious  nature.   They have a keen sense of responsibility and are full  of
forethought,  hence trustworthy and reliable advisors;  they are systematic,
orderly,  and have good executive ability,  frugal in their tastes,  thrifty
and  saving;  just  to  a  degree,  but  their  justice  is  cruel, hard and
[PAGE 424]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS
untempered but the slightest degree of mercy.   They are chaste,  sober  and
exemplary in their lives but they have neither mercy nor pity for those  who
are  unable to overcome faults or habits or who otherwise become  delinquent
to the laws of society.  They care little or nothing for pleasure or the so-
ciety of others and generally keep their own counsel and company;  they  are
highly respected, esteemed and trusted in the community but neither care for
nor merit the LOVE of their fellow men.
   When the jovial, genial and generous well aspected Jupiter is life ruler,
the  people  born  under his influence are ensouled by a  great  desire  for
honor,  respect and esteem in their community.   Therefore they aspire to be
pillars in the church,  legal lights,  or to fill an honored position in the
pulpit;  failing  this they enter by preference one of the  progressions  as
lawyer or doctor.  They are cordial, genial people with a jovial smile and a
hearty  handshake that make one glad to meet them wherever the go,  so  they
are  always welcome.   They are law-abiding and just but inclined to  temper
their  justice with mercy;  and while they themselves live lives beyond  re-
proach  they are kind,  forgiving and lenient to those of a weaker  morality
whose lives are smirched by sin and crime, hence they are  philanthropic and
[PAGE 425]                                        MIND AND THE RULING PLANET
always ready to give to charity and benevolent work.   They are not only re-
spected and esteemed but beloved in the community where they reside.
   When the enthusiastic,  energetic,  constructive and militant Mars is the
well  aspected life ruler,  the people born under the influence of this  dy-
namic  rays are eager for the fray and battle of life.   They  are  ensouled
with  an ardent desire to conquer the world.   To them it does not  so  much
matter  what they do so long as it affords an adequate outlet for  the  con-
structive energy which,  figuratively speaking, threatens to burst them  un-
less released.  The bigger and more difficult the undertaking, the more they
exult;  hence they become the pioneers and pathfinders of civilization,  the
engineers  and contractors who build our cities and the highways and  byways
that connect them, who develop the resources of the world and turn them over
to others to use.   They are extremely impatient of restraint and will brook
no interference with their plans or methods.  These people govern others and
bend them to their will by the whiplash of sheer force for they have neither
tact  nor diplomacy but win by the merit of might.   They earn money  easily
and spend it as lavishly and foolishly.  They are extremely  extravagant and
[PAGE 426]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS
when  reverses come they are down and out for the time being but they  never
stay down,  the indomitable inner force soon accomplishes rehabilitation and
with it the old reckless ways of living reassert themselves.   They are gen-
erally foolhardy to a degree, hence liable to accidents and a violent end.
   When  the original,  romantic and eccentric well aspected Uranus is  life
ruler the character is idealistic, unconventional and utopian.  These people
are  generally out of patience with the conventional ways of living and  de-
termined i their efforts and endeavors to break the shackles of society  and
live a bohemian life.   They are full of fads and given to usually  beliefs,
too advanced for the majority.   At the same time they are pioneers of a new
age  in which many of the ideas we now consider utopian will be modified  so
that they will be held by all.   These people are also the inventors of  the
world,  in  touch with the higher worlds where ideas merge from  the  Divine
Mind  to impinge upon the minds of those who are sufficiently  sensitive  to
grasp  them and bring them to birth for the use of humanity.   The  Uranians
are very headstrong and always ready with an argument to defend their  ideas
and secure a convert to their cults; odd in dress, in food,  in ideas,  they
are a class apart.
[PAGE 427]                                        MIND AND THE RULING PLANET
   When the occult and mystical well aspected Neptune is life ruler we  have
a  person of a most peculiar power whose chief mark is a strange  expression
of  the  eye which must be seem to be appreciated.   It is as if  he  looked
right through and through whatever is before him, but it is not necessary to
discuss this type for there are so few that they are very seldom encountered
by  the average astrologer and only an occultist can know and judge  another
   When the life rulers are afflicted by the conjunction, parallel,  square,
or opposition from the other planets,  especially from the malefics--Saturn,
Mars,  Uranus and Neptune--they affect the life in an inimical manner  which
may be outlined as follows:
   When the cowardly and arrogant afflicted Sun is life ruler,  people  born
under  his  debilitating influence are egotistical in the extreme,  full  of
swagger,  self-importance and arrogance.  If they obtain authority over any-
one  whom they think they can overawe they will rule such dependent  with  a
rod  of iron,  trample upon his tenderest feelings without a twinge of  con-
science or compunction, but if they themselves come under the  authority  of
[PAGE 428]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS
another these spineless weaklings will then cringe,  creep and cater to  the
slightest  whim of their master though they hate him with an intense  hatred
that  is only kept in check by their fear.   They whine and wheedle  at  the
faintest frown though ready to spring and devour him if only they dared.  It
is the signature of one of the most despicable characters in the gamut.
   When  the  slovenly,  slothful and lazy afflicted Venus is ruler  of  the
horoscope the persons are sensual and profligate, untidy and slatternly,  of
depraved,  perverted tastes and utterly disreputable in their conduct;  they
are  social parasites.   They use loud and obscene language and are fond  of
music of a clanging,  jarring nature.  They love revelry and debauch,  their
affection expresses itself in coarse lusts, unbridled passion, free love and
moral perversion.  They revel in spangles and tinsel, loud,  clashing colors
and cheap imitations of beauty and worth.
   When the untruthful, dishonest and clumsy afflicted Mercury is life ruler
the people under his influence are either entirely mentally unsound so  that
they must be confined for their own good in proper institutions, or they are
so  cunning  that  they  are  able  to  hide their mental bias and prey upon
[PAGE 429]                                        MIND AND THE RULING PLANET
society as thieves,  pick-pockets,  defaulters and criminals of similar  na-
ture.  They are notoriously untruthful and prefer misleading others to tell-
ing the truth, even where it is of no benefit to them.  They are either dull
of  comprehension or of such consummate cunning that they seem to be  driven
by a resistless force to get the nest of some unsuspecting person.  They ex-
cel  as confidence men,  badgers and in similar unsavory occupations,   They
are thoroughly unreliable and dishonest in all their dealings;  neurotic and
perverted,  scabs on society.   These people are also inveterate talkers and
always ready to criticize,  slander or ruin the reputation of others.   They
are a menace to society in all their activities.
   When  the changeable and visionary afflicted Moon is life ruler it  makes
the persons extremely restless and averse to labor of any kind,  fidgety and
always  on the move;  if they cannot travel from one city to  another,  they
move from one house to another and from one situation to another as often as
possible  and they infuse the same restlessness into whosoever they come  in
contact with.  If the afflictions are very severe the mind suffers and their
mental phases coincide with the changes of the orb of night.
[PAGE 430]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS
   When the morbid,  melancholy and malicious afflicted Saturn is life ruler
he robs life of all joy and brightness so that these people become  recluses
and melancholy misanthropes; so miserly and avaricious that they will starve
themselves  and forego the comforts of life even when they have ample  means
to satisfy them.   They are cruel,  hard and suspicious of the acts and  mo-
tives  of others and if they take up work as a detective they  become  human
ferrets,  blood-hounds who will hound their prey to death and gloat over his
misery.   If anyone frustrates such people they will hold spite forever  and
aim to get even, if it takes a lifetime.  But the end of these people is al-
ways bad,  sometime or other they overreach and fall into the trap they have
set  for others.   They usually die an ignoble death and the world  gives  a
sigh of relief when they pass out.
   When  the indolent,  bombastic and egotistical afflicted Jupiter  is  the
life  ruler  the person is often a parasite on the social tree,  a  gambler,
confidence man and speculator,  sporty, fond of display and ostentation;  he
wears loud clothing,  paste diamonds and cheap jewelry.   He is usually  met
with in pool rooms,  on race tracks and in similar places;  playing poker or
playing the ponies are among his favorite  means  of earning a living; he is
[PAGE 431]                                        MIND AND THE RULING PLANET
very loud and egotistical anxious to attract attention no matter how; he of-
ten figures in court proceedings on account of shady transactions or immoral
conduct or unpaid bills,  for he is an adept at obtaining credit for  every-
thing he wants and never pays the price of his expensive tastes if there  is
any way of avoiding a settlement of his debts.   Among the laboring class he
usually figures as a demagogue and agitator,  inciting to strikes and riots,
but  he is always ready to sell out a striking union to the  employers.   We
find them among the typical Italian padrones, as keepers of sweat-shops, and
in similar occupations.
   When the arrogant, egotistical and foolhardy afflicted Mars is life ruler
the person is an egotist of the first water,  bound to attain to his  wishes
by force or destruction if other means fail;  in fact he prefers to bulldoze
others  to do his will rather than to have them submit without  a  struggle.
He is a first-rate slave driver, section boss on the railway, in a construc-
tion camp and similar places,  a liar,  braggart,  bouncer,  or pugilist,  a
daredevil wiling to risk his life and the lives of others at any moment  and
in any undertaking.
[PAGE 432]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS
   When the stubborn, erratic and independent afflicted Uranus if life ruler
the  mentality is usually so obsessed in one direction or another that  such
people  become fanatics and generally also there is an excessive  sensuality
and perverted taste.  They are always ready and anxious for an argument as a
means  of  airing their ideas but they are so hypnotized by their  own  par-
ticular  fad that they are never convinced and can never see when the  argu-
ment goes against them.   They always espouse the most radical and unconven-
tional ideas.
   When  the mediumistic,  neurotic and self-indulgent afflicted Neptune  is
life ruler,  the persons are of a dreamy, neurotic and negative nature,  apt
to become the medium of disembodied spirits or even obsessed by them.   They
are  likely  to  evolve psychic powers of a low grade  such  as  involuntary
clairvoyance,  crystal gazing, etc., and if they are unable to develop these
faculties  they  often simulate mediumship and other psychic gifts  for  the
purpose  of  duping  or defrauding others.  They have a  strong  faculty  of
imitation and easily become adepts at deception.
[PAGE 433]                                        MIND AND THE RULING PLANET
   When the CARDINAL Signs,  Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn,  are on the
angles, that is to say, the Ascendant, Midheaven, Fourth and Seventh Houses,
it is a general indication that the person is mentally alert, quick to grasp
an idea, active and enthusiastic in whatever work he undertakes; one who has
organizing and executive ability and is capable of carrying whatever  enter-
prise he may start to success;  a bold,  brave indomitable spirit.   This is
especially true when many planets are in Cardinal Signs and these people may
be classed as the business men of the world.
   When the FIXED Signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are on the angles
it indicates a thoughtful but slow and plodding type of mind which  requires
time to come to a decision.  They always look before they leap but when they
have made up their minds they adhere to the course mapped out with a remark-
able  patience and perseverance which in the end insure success.   They  are
very reliable and can be depended upon to keep their word and meet their ob-
ligations.  Their principal fault is that they are too apt to get into a rut
and become narrow-minded.   They are very original and may be classed as the
inventors  of the world.   These delineations are especially true when  many
planets are in Fixed Signs.
   When the COMMON Signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces,  are on the
angles  the  mind is flighty and superficial, wavering and versatile.  These
[PAGE 434]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS
people are often very quick to grasp a point and form a decision,  but  just
as ready to forget and change their minds.  They are adepts at imitation and
often  pretend  to virtues or abilities entirely foreign  to  their  nature.
They  are  easily swayed by the winds of emotion;  one moment  they  may  be
highly  elated over some small matter and the next a trifling  trouble  bows
them  down  to  earth.   They are inconstant and  unreliable  in  all  their
dealings  with  others because they do not know their minds two  minutes  in
succession.   They constitute the agents and middlemen of the  world,  where
they occupy a subordinate or serving position.   These delineations are par-
ticularly apt when many planets are in Common Signs.
                       MENTAL EFFECT OF THE RISING SUN
   When there are no planets on the Ascendant the rising sign has  consider-
able influence on the type of mind.
ARIES  rising gives an energetic,  enthusiastic and ambitious type of  mind,
but inclined to rash and impulsive acts and a quick temper.
TAURUS rising gives a stubborn, headstrong and selfish nature, envious, cov-
etous and malicious when angered.
GEMINI rising gives a quick,  alert and versatile mind,  easily adaptable to
conditions but so fluidic that it lacks the ability absolutely essential to
[PAGE 435]                                        MIND AND THE RULING PLANET
sustained effort and lasting success.
CANCER  rising  gives a negative,  imaginative and receptive type  of  mind,
sometimes of a rather morbid nature, reserved and mistrustful; but when such
a  person has made up his mind to do something he is usually very  tenacious
in his adherence to his ideas; sympathetic, hospitable and kind.
LEO rising gives a frank, open, ambitious mind; a powerful will and a proud,
honorable  and  kind disposition but inclined to be  hasty,  quick-tempered,
sensual and apt to go to extremes.
VIRGO gives a critical,  scheming and ingenious mind,  able to evolve  ideas
galore  but usually lacking the initiative to carry them out unless  prodded
by others.  These people are very selfish, self-centered and reserved.  They
do not take other people into their confidence and they seldom become really
familiar with anyone.
LIBRA  rising  gives an easy-going but kindly and sympathetic type  of  mind
which  is unable to grasp or cope with the exigencies of existence.   There-
fore  these  people drift along the stream of life,  taking as much  of  the
sweet  as  they can get and using every effort to avoid  the  bitter.   They
crave approbation and in return adore their friends and are usually bound up
in them.
[PAGE 436]                                          THE MESSAGE OF THE STARS
SCORPIO rising gives a dual type of mind.   This is one of the most mystical
of the twelve signs.   Some times it is symbolized as an eagle  representing
the lofty, aspiring type soaring as does the eagle into the ether.  At other
times it is typified as a serpent which crawls in the dust,  and again as  a
scorpion.   There is also considerable occult significance in the fact  that
the  serpent has the sting in its head and the scorpion has it in its  tail.
But for the present purpose we will judge the two latter as one.
   The Scorpio type of mind denoted by the eagle is thoughtful, reserved and
inclined to lofty ideals' dignified in demeanor, proud and with perfect con-
trol of the temper.  These people are very reserved and generally keep their
own counsel.
   The  other  type when Scorpio is represented by the serpent  is  entirely
different;  deceitful,  shrewd and secretive; past finding out;  sensual and
unforgiving; jealous and passionate, with a very sharp tongue and fiery tem-
SAGITTARIUS rising gives an energetic, aspiring,  benevolent mind but rather
lacking  in ambition.   These people are usually of an ardent,  affectionate
disposition and sometimes very demonstrative.
CAPRICORN rising gives a tactful,  diplomatic,  deep and thoughtful type  of
mind but selfish,  envious and covetous.  These people are apt to get into a
[PAGE 437]                                        MIND AND THE RULING PLANET
rut  and become very narrow,  and when they are crossed they hold spite  and
plan revenge.   They are self-reliant and persistent in whatever they under-
AQUARIUS rising gives a good intellect,  a friendly,  sympathetic and humane
disposition,  but these people are very original and independent;  they will
brook  no interference with their vagaries and pursue their own  course  re-
gardless of what others say or think,  sometimes even against their own rea-
son and just to assert their independence.
PISCES  rising  gives a sentimental and romantic type of mind,  inclined  to
worry and restlessness,  apt to turn to the occult,  and to mystical  ideas.
The mind is very sensitive and often takes in the conditions of others  with
the effect of unsettling and troubling the person.