
 合相 冲相 三分相 刑相 六分相

Saturn Conjunct Sun 
This  conjunction  between  Saturn and the Sun  occurs  every  29 
years.    This  next  few  weeks  could  either  be  a  time   of 
testing...testing  of your own strength and  willpower...or  this 
next few weeks could represent the successful culmination of many 
years  hard  work.   It  could be a time of  great  maturity  and 
Either  way,  there  is  the chance that you may  start  to  take 
yourself  too  seriously - and become too dogmatic and  fixed  in 
your  viewpoints.   Lighten  up - just because you take  on  more 
responsibility  doesn’t  necessarily mean that you have  to  lose 
your sense of humour! 
Nevertheless...certain responsibilities involving older people or 
children may now weigh heavily on your shoulders.   On the  other 
hand,  a  conflict between professional and personal  life  could 
cause disruption in your life.   However,  if you call upon inner 
wisdom,  then  you  should be rewarded with a  level  headed  and 
sensible  solution to warding off potential problems.   In  other 
words...you’ll  cope if you keep calm and not take  yourself  too 
New romance may involve you with someone older than yourself,  or 
you will be considerably older than your new partner. 
Saturn Conjunct Moon 
If  a love affair or relationship has recently ended,  avoid  the 
temptation to stray back...no matter how lonely or depressed  you 
may be feeling. 
Some of you may be feeling depressed and worn out, as if you have 
nothing left to give.   This is painful, but don’t be too hard on 
yourself.  However, there is a lesson to be learned now - perhaps 
in  the past you have set your ideals far too  high,  creating  a 
situation where you were constantly seeking an almost  impossible 
perfection in yourself and others.  In future, you may stop being 
so  critical and the pedestal may not be set quite so  high...and 
you may allow yourself to be a bit more realistic.   But for now, 
no matter how you feel,  let the past go...  there IS a happy and 
bright future to look forward to. 
Avoid  the  temptation to withdraw  from  life...especially  from 
women.   They  could  actually be of tremendous  support  to  you 
now...if you only let them. 
Saturn Conjunct Mercury 
Don’t  expect  too much from yourself or loved ones  during  this 
time.   Perfection is near impossible to achieve,  and attempting 
to  attain  a  state  of ultimate  perfectness  could  leave  you 
emotionally and physically drained.  Depression could follow. 
Serious  thought will pre-occupy your time.   Thoughts  may  also 
drift back in time, to past events and relationships.  This could 
also be a time of farewells...not all of them pleasant. 
There’s  also the chance that you may start to take yourself  too 
seriously - and become too dogmatic and fixed in your viewpoints. 
Lighten up - just because you take on more responsibility doesn’t 
necessarily mean that you have to lose your sense of humour! 
If you can stay objective and open-minded,  then this would be an 
excellent  time to plan for the future as your concentration  and 
organisational  skills could now be at their  optimum.   However, 
narrow-mindedness  will  only  lead to closed  doors  and  missed 
Saturn Conjunct Venus 
If  a love affair or relationship has recently ended,  avoid  the 
temptation to stray back...no matter how lonely or depressed  you 
may  be  feeling.   This is a time for testing for  all  personal 
relationships,   whether   they’re   love   affairs   or   family 
Questions will be asked, and they’ll have to be answered honestly 
and  openly.   This is your chance to break free from an  unhappy 
love affair - but only if you’re honest with yourself.   Can  you 
really  see  yourself  in  the same situation  in  a  few  year’s 
time...or  even  in ten year’s time?   If the thought  makes  you 
shudder - then why not save the both of you much needless pain  - 
and do what your heart and inner self are urging.   At the end of 
the  day,  however,  the decision has to be yours - you  are  the 
ruler of your own destiny. 
Stable  and  happy relationships will also go through  a  testing 
time - a temporary phase of doubts and inhibitions - but  they’ll 
emerge stronger and more emotionally tied than ever before. 
You  may decide to withdraw from loved ones - in both a  physical 
and emotional sense,  whilst you search the inner depths of  your 
being for answers to important questions.   Lovers and family may 
feel alienated - but they’ll understand if you let them know that 
just for now, you need some privacy and time to yourself. 
Financial and business decisions should be temporarily  postponed 
-  until you feel in a more self assured frame of mind.   Keep  a 
watchful eye on all expenditure. 
Saturn Conjunct Mars 
During  this  time,  you’ll either be capable of  extremely  hard 
work,  with  a determination and energy to drive you onwards  and 
upwards;  or  you’ll simply feel that no matter how  hard  you’re 
trying...you’re getting nowhere fast. 
Either  way,  at  the moment,  patience won’t be  your  strongest 
virtue,  so  just  be careful that you don’t step on a  few  toes 
along the way.  Feeling withdrawn and somewhat irritable, you may 
become  so  pre-occupied  with  your  own  responsibilities   and 
ambitions,  that  usual polite courtesies and considerations  are 
neglected.   Beware  of  being too harsh and unsympathetic.   At  
the moment  frazzled nerves could ignite even the smallest  flame  
of anger into a raging inferno. 
However,  if  this  tremendous  energy can  be  channelled  in  a 
positive direction, there’s little doubt that during this period, 
you’ll  be capable of achieving some astounding results -  mostly 
created through a practical,  disciplined and extremely organised 
attitude to work. 
But there may be problems with authority figures.   This could be 
a  superior  at  work...parents...or  even  legal  and   military 
matters.  Others may see you as a threat. 
Saturn Conjunct Jupiter 
During this period you may have an irresistible desire to  expand 
your  horizons...with  the likelihood that you’ll  try  to  break 
free of any limitations and unendurable restrictions that up till 
now  have been holding you back. 
Alternatively, growth and expansion will be your keywords.  Being 
prepared to work with much more energy and enthusiasm than  usual 
towards  reaching  personal goals and ambitions...you’ll  try  to 
move a few steps closer to making your dreams come true. 
Depending on your current circumstances,  you’ll literally either 
have  to reassert your individuality and break free  of  negative 
influences...or  if  you’re satisfied with the current  state  of 
play in your life...you will find a way to expand and grow within 
your  present lifestyle.   Either way,  some radical changes  are 
This  is a time when you could reap the rewards of positive  past 
actions and endeavours, but patience, hard work and discipline is 
required.      Business  and  career  matters  are   particularly 
highlighted,   with   travel   connected  to   business   likely. 
Similarly, you may now be considering a change of jobs, or a move 
up  the  career ladder in your present employment;  a  change  of 
residence or some sort of financial change (this not  necessarily 
being positive). 
Saturn Conjunct Saturn 
This  time of your life is known as “the Saturn return” - a  time 
of  tremendous astrological importance.   This planetary  transit 
occurs approximately every 29 years.   First,  at the age of  29, 
the  second around the age of 58 and the third at  around  85-87. 
Each of the “returns” have a special significance in your life. 
The first two times that Saturn returns to its natal position in 
your  birthchart is a generally a time of change or  upheaval...a 
time of new beginnings and the dawning of maturity.   The  coming 
few  months will also be a time of testing...testing of your  own 
strength and willpower...and it could also represent the success- 
ful culmination of many years hard work. 
You’ll now have to quench an insatiable thirst for new experience 
so  expect  changes in your lifestyle...changes perhaps  in  your 
relationships,  family  life or career.   Many people  with  this 
transit  find  themselves in new jobs..new  homes...or  with  new 
babies!   Others will throw caution to wind,  sacrificing  stable 
and secure lifestyles to follow their dreams. 
Think  back over the past six months and you’ll realise that  the 
winds  of change have gradually increased in strength  -  blowing 
away anything that’s no longer of consequence or use to you.  For 
some,  the  losses may seem painful but in months to come  you’ll 
emerge  a stronger,  more mature and more  confident  individual. 
It’s  important not to hold onto the past - but to look and  plan 
for the future as you want it to be,  not as others want it to be 
for you. 
At the age of 85,  the Saturn return represents a time of  wisdom 
and maturity - but it could again cause upheaval and change. 
Saturn Conjunct Uranus 
Patience won’t be your strongest virtue at the moment.  Your mood 
being  somewhat volatile,  unpredictable  and  unstable....you’re 
now  likely  to  overlook  life’s  usual  polite  courtesies  and 
considerations.  Tensions  which have been bubbling away  beneath 
the surface are now likely to erupt into a raging inferno. 
During  this  time,  you’ll either be capable of  extremely  hard 
work,  with  a determination and energy to drive you onwards  and 
upwards;  or  you’ll simply feel that no matter how  hard  you’re 
trying...you’re getting nowhere fast...in which case you’ll  make 
a   break   for   freedom.    In   search   of   excitement   and 
adventure...you’ll  want  to escape anything  that’s  boring  and 
In business,  it’s time to wind up projects and deals which  have 
just  been staggering along.   It’s time to cut your  losses  and 
concentrate on new contracts and propositions.  The same goes for 
love  affairs  and personal  relationships.   Stable,  happy  and 
secure  relationships  won’t  be  affected  by  these  particular 
planetary transits,  but outworn negative relationships will more 
than likely disintegrate. 
Saturn Conjunct Neptune 
Your  thoughts  and  imagination  may  now  lean  towards   being 
pessimistic and confused,  rather than open and optimistic.   You 
may feel that no matter what you do,  how hard you  try...nothing 
seems  to  be going your way.   But it must  be  remembered  that 
negative  thoughts  breed more negativity and more self doubt. 
Because  the  planet  Saturn  is  sitting  heavily  on  the  more 
idealistic  and  optimistic side of your character,  it  will  be 
difficult to lift your spirits.   But don’t sit around the  house 
wallowing  in  self  pity.   Make the effort to  socialise  -  as 
sharing  love and friendship will help to unburden the  heaviness 
of your soul. 
Feeling less confident, you may now rely on others much more than 
usual  to  make  decisions  and  lead  the  way.    Avoiding  the 
spotlight..you’ll now let others take centre stage and concede to 
their  wishes and actions.   In other words,  you’ll  put  others 
needs  before  your  own.   This element of  self  sacrifice  can 
actually  be  beneficial to you in the long term...and can  be  a 
positive manifestation of this Saturn transit affecting you now. 
However, do watch your health during this time.  Don’t ignore any 
warning signals that your body starts to send out - respect  your 
Saturn Conjunct Pluto 
Unpredictable  behaviour may be the catalyst for extreme  changes 
in your life.  This is a time of endings and new beginnings.  You 
may  also  be  somewhat secretive in  your  plans  and  projects. 
However, too much intrigue could be your undoing. 
Think  back over the past six months and you’ll realise that  the 
winds  of change have gradually increased in strength  -  blowing 
away anything that’s no longer of consequence or use to you.  For 
some,  the  losses may seem painful but in months to come  you’ll 
emerge  a stronger,  more mature and more  confident  individual. 
It’s  important not to hold onto the past - but to look and  plan 
for the future as you want it to be,  not as others want it to be 
for you. 
In business,  it’s time to wind up projects and deals which  have 
just  been staggering along.   It’s time to cut your  losses  and 
concentrate on new contracts and propositions.  The same goes for 
love  affairs  and personal  relationships.   Stable,  happy  and 
secure  relationships  won’t  be  affected  by  these  particular 
planetary transits,  but outworn negative relationships will more 
than likely disintegrate. 
You may also become more involved in religious or political issues 
during this time. 
Saturn Conjunct Ascendant 
The next few weeks are likely to bring mixed blessings.  Although 
the going may be tough...this is the time when the tough will get 
Additional  responsibilities are likely to be piled upon you  and 
may  weigh you down considerably.   You can try to lighten  these 
pressures  and responsibilities by disposing of the  deadwood  in 
your life...but be careful not to throw out precious budding  new 
saplings  with  the  weeds.   At times it  can  be  difficult  to 
differentiate  between what’s good for you...and what you  really 
You  are now entering a new astrological cycle which will  affect 
you for the next 8 years,  so there’s no need to rush  decisions. 
Strong  foundations  need to be built  with  patience,  care  and 
precision.  You may have to learn new skills, or even retrain for 
a  completely  new  career.    You  could  almost  consider   the 
experience  that you’ve accumulated to date as a training  period 
which has been preparing you for the next 8 years ahead. 
In business,  it’s time to wind up projects and deals which  have 
just  been staggering along.   It’s time to cut your  losses  and 
concentrate on new contracts and propositions.  The same goes for 
love  affairs  and personal  relationships.   Stable,  happy  and 
secure  relationships  won’t  be  affected  by  these  particular 
planetary transits,  but outworn negative relationships will more 
than likely disintegrate. 
Saturn Conjunct MC 
Responsibility in the home will be of major concern to you during 
this time.   You may find that you now have nurse a member of the 
family through illness, possibly an elderly relative.  Or simply, 
you  should  have a strong sympathetic shoulder ready -  as  it’s 
likely to be leaned on quite heavily!   But being needed in  this 
way  won’t annoy you,  just the opposite,  it will make you  feel 
needed and loved. 
There  should  be much more activity around the  home  -  perhaps 
you’ll  now decide to redecorate the house,  or  relandscape  the 
garden.   The  end result should bring you much satisfaction  for 
many years to come. 
If  you  haven’t  been able to shake a  sense  of  lonliness  and 
depression recently,  then don’t worry - because you’ll now begin 
to feel some of the burden lifting from your  shoulders.   You’ve 
been on a long,  tiring journey of learning and  experience...and 
now  there’s just a little further to go - but the light  at  the 
end  of the tunnel should be growing stronger day by  day.   When 
you finally end this journey in a few weeks time and emerge  into 
the light - the brightness may be a little dazzling at first, but 
your eyes, body, soul and mind will soon adjust.  that’s when you 
realise what a brilliant future you have ahead. 

Saturn Opposite Sun 
Feeling  tired  and  depressed,  this could be  a  confusing  and 
disappointing  time.   Physical and mental strength and  energies 
are likely to be at an all time low.   Problems and  difficulties 
could therefore seem insurmountable - and not being able to  cope 
may lead to a crisis of confidence. 
Plans  and  ideas  may  be  opposed  -  especially  by  those  in 
authority.   Every  which  way  you turn you’ll seem  to  run  up 
against    obstacles,    blocks    and    opposition.     Feeling 
emotionally  isolated and lonely...love affairs and  social  life 
may also suffer. 
Avoid  jumping  in at the deep end...but if that’s  not  possible 
then  don’t swim against the tide - go with the  flow.   Physical 
tiredness  could cause ill health.   Save your energy as much  as 
you  can.   Avoid  making business  or  financial  decisions...or 
starting new projects. 
However,  some inevitable changes which you’ve been avoiding  for 
some  time  may now be forced  upon  you.   However,  instead  of 
wallowing  in past mistakes - look to the future.   Don’t be  too 
rigid  in your outlook.   Remember that every ending must have  a 
new beginning. 
Saturn Opposite Moon 
If you feel confused,  tired, irritable and downright depressed - 
then   it’s   not  really  surprising.    During   this   period, 
responsibility  for others will conflict with responsibility  for 
yourself.   On  the other hand,  you may have been  ignoring  the 
needs of both others and yourself recently - and the consequences 
are  now beginning to show.   Painful memories from the past  may 
also cause you to retreat into a safe,  secure shell - well  away 
from life’s daily pressures. 
However,  at  the moment,  you really need to  re-establish  your 
sense of purpose in life,  and then start to fulfil this  purpose 
in a meaningful and constant way.   Find your own pace, and don’t 
attempt anything that you’re not ready for.   Don’t promise  more 
than you can deliver. 
Cold,  emotional  barriers  may be erected to keep out  pain  and 
upset.  The only problem being that these same emotional barriers 
could  leave you feeling alone and isolated from everyone  around 
you,  but especially from those you love.   This may seem like  a 
“no  win”  situation,  but ultimately it’s up to you  to  destroy 
these  barriers,  face up to your responsibilities and  mend  the 
bridges between yourself and loved ones. 
Women,  parents  and older individuals will be  less  sympathetic 
than  usual to your problems and may cause difficulties  in  your 
life  - either at home or at work.   Perhaps there will  be  some 
kind of conflict between your home and professional life. 
Saturn Opposite Mercury 
Worrying  too  much could create problems which should  not  have 
existed  in  the first place.   A negative mental  outlook  could 
cause  you to emanate a black cloud of  depression.   As  others, 
even close loved ones, won’t want to be infected by this doom and 
gloom   -  they’re  likely  to  avoid  you...causing  even   more 
depression.   It could become a vicious circle - but one that you 
can break out of if you’re aware of what’s happening. 
Professional and personal ideas and plans may be blocked.  It may 
seem  that  no  matter which path you take - the  road  has  been 
blocked.   Delays  in  communication are likely,  for  example  a 
letter  or  cheque may be delayed or lost in  the  post...or  you 
may find yourself endlessly waiting for some kind of reply via  a 
telephone  call or letter.   This could lead to  frustration  and 
Perhaps  it’s  time to take a completely new  direction  in  your 
life.   Perhaps it’s time to discard anything that’s no longer of 
any use or value to you...and remember that all endings have  new 
Take  care  not  to overwork during  this  time.   Emotional  and 
physical exhaustion could lead to ill health. 
Saturn Opposite Venus 
A  negative  mental outlook could cause you to  emanate  a  black 
cloud of depression.   As others,  even close loved  ones,  won’t 
want  to be infected by this doom and gloom - they’re  likely  to 
avoid  you...causing  even more depression.   It could  become  a 
vicious  circle of lonliness and feeling unloved - but  one  that 
you can break out of if you’re aware of what’s happening. 
This   could  be  a  testing  time  of  crisis,   hardships   and 
disappointments in romance - truly a time for star-crossed lovers 
and  unrequited love.   Or you may find yourself  separated  from 
those that you love the most. 
Either  yourself  or  lovers  could become  much  more  cool  and 
unsympathetic now - causing tensions,  conflicts and problems  in 
relationships.   Personal  restrictions which up until  now  have 
seemed  tolerable  will now suddenly seem  equally  unbearable  - 
you’ll  both  want and demand personal  freedom.   Any  new  love 
relationships  started around now could prove to be  heavy  going 
and more trouble than they’re worth. 
Delays  in  communication are likely,  for example  a  letter  or 
cheque  may  be  delayed or lost in the post...or  you  may  find 
yourself endlessly waiting for some kind of reply via a telephone 
call or letter.  This could lead to frustration and anger. 
Saturn Opposite Mars 
Feeling frustrated and angry...this could be a very trying  time. 
You  may  even have difficulty in focusing  on  your  anger...not 
really  knowing where it’s coming from - but being all too  aware 
of  the  incredibly intense feelings bubbling away inside  you  - 
just waiting to erupt in a fit of fury. 
Perhaps  this  anger is the result of having  to  wait  seemingly 
endlessly for a particular event to occur.   You’ve now  probably 
had  enough of just sitting around,  twiddling your thumbs,  and 
feel an incredible powerful urge to take action.   The problem is 
that  circumstances,  or  people,  could be blocking your  way  - 
therefore  causing major frustration..leading to  anger.   People 
who have some kind of authority over you may be a prime cause  of 
concern.   Think back to fourteen years ago as whatever  happened 
around then could be affecting you again now. 
The last thing you’ll want to do at the moment is to sit back and 
be  patient...but that’s exactly what you need  to  do.   Rushing 
forth with all guns blazing would be a mistake.   Decisions  made 
now  need  to be well considered and logical..and  not  based  on 
blind emotion.   Concentrate all your additional pent up, intense 
energy into constant hard work...instead of deliberately  looking 
for conflicts. 
Also,  as you could be somewhat accident prone during this  time, 
beware  putting  yourself  in dangerous situations  -  and  drive 
Saturn Opposite Jupiter 
Feeling  as  if  you’re being pulled  in  opposite  directions  - 
there’s a certain amount of tension and confusion in your mind as 
to what to do next.   You won’t really know whether it’s time  to 
push  yourself forward into the spotlight..or to keep  your  head 
down and well out of the firing line. 
One minute you could be feeling elated, full of confidence and on 
top of the world...and then within no time at all..you could find 
yourself  sinking  to the depths of depression.   Try to  find  a 
comfortable  middle ground until disruptive planetary  influences 
fade away. 
But  this  will actually be easier to say than do...as  at  times 
you’ll  definitely feel you’re taking one step forward..and  then 
two  steps backward...going no where at all..if not  in  reverse! 
Patience  will be needed.   Don’t rush plans and ideas  -  you’re 
probably  now  paying  for being too  impulsive  and  financially 
extravagant in the past.   Therefore,  if possible just for  now, 
put  temporary  brakes  on  all  expansion,   new   projects..and 
financial  and business matters. 
Restlessness  may  also  disrupt  personal  relationships.   Your 
unpredictable   and  erratic  behaviour  will  certainly   baffle 
others...they just won’t understand your sudden urge for personal 
freedom.   Unless  you’re  absolutely certain  of  your  proposed 
actions...be more prepared to compromise. 
Saturn Opposite Saturn 
This  is a time of reckoning...a time to come to terms  with  the 
way you’ve led your life,  but especially over the past seven and 
fourteen years.   Firstly,  think back fourteen years - and think 
back to what you started in your life at that time.   Then  think 
seven  years on.   Events which occurred both seven and  fourteen 
years ago are now likely to affect your life again. 
You may now either reap the rewards of past hard work and  effort 
-  or enforced changes may disrupt your  daily  routine.   Either 
way,  there’s  likely  to  be an increase  in  responsibility  in 
personal and/or professional relationships.   Significant changes 
may now take place. 
However,  don’t  fight these changes and don’t swim  against  the 
tide  -  go with the flow.   Physical tiredness could  cause  ill 
health.   Save  your  energy as much as you  can.   Avoid  making 
business or financial decisions...or starting new projects. 
Saturn Opposite Uranus 
Freedom will be very important to you now...you’ll find  yourself 
rebelling   against  authority  and   restrictions.    Certainly, 
interference in both your personal and professional life will not 
be tolerated.   Nevertheless,  you’ll expect your word to be law. 
This kind of double standard could inevitably lead to conflict. 
Patience will be needed.   Don’t rush plans and ideas.   You  may 
also  have  to  find a more  practical  compromise  between  your 
personal and professional life - so that one no longer interferes 
with the other.  Nevertheless, changes and unexpected problems in 
your professional life could now be forced upon you. 
Considering yourself both invincible and  indestructible,  you’re 
now  likely  to place unrealistic expectations  on  yourself  and 
others.  If you promise more than you can deliver then squandered 
energy  could  result in disappointment and possibly  even  total 
exhaustion.  Don’t try to achieve too much too quickly. 
Personal and love relationships could also find themselves in the 
firing line.   Also, beware becoming involved in dubious get rich 
quick  schemes...or you may find yourself entangled in the  legal 
Saturn Opposite Neptune 
Feeling  tired  and  depressed,  this could be  a  confusing  and 
disappointing  time.   Physical and mental strength and  energies 
are likely to be at an all time low.   Problems and  difficulties 
could therefore seem insurmountable - and not being able to  cope 
may lead to a crisis of confidence. 
During this period,  responsibility for others will conflict with 
responsibility  for yourself.   On the other hand,  you may  have 
been  ignoring the needs of both others and yourself  recently  - 
and the consequences are now beginning to show.  Painful memories 
from the past may also cause you to retreat into a  safe,  secure 
shell - well away from life’s daily pressures. 
Worrying  too  much could create problems which should  not  have 
existed  in  the first place.   A negative mental  outlook  could 
cause  you to emanate a black cloud of  depression.   As  others, 
even close loved ones, won’t want to be infected by this doom and 
gloom   -  they’re  likely  to  avoid  you...causing  even   more 
depression.   It could become a vicious circle - but one that you 
can break out of if you’re aware of what’s happening. 
Saturn Opposite Pluto 
Feeling frustrated and angry...this could be a very trying  time. 
You  may  even have difficulty in focusing  on  your  anger...not 
really  knowing where it’s coming from - but being all too  aware 
of  the  incredibly intense feelings bubbling away inside  you  - 
just waiting to erupt in a fit of fury. 
Freedom will be very important to you now...you’ll find  yourself 
rebelling   against  authority  and   restrictions.    Certainly, 
interference in both your personal and professional life will not 
be tolerated.   Nevertheless,  you’ll expect your word to be law. 
This kind of double standard could inevitably lead to conflict. 
Plans  and  ideas  may  be  opposed  -  especially  by  those  in 
authority.   Every  which  way  you turn you’ll seem  to  run  up 
against obstacles,  blocks and opposition.   Feeling  emotionally 
isolated  and  lonely...love  affairs and social  life  may  also 
However,  at  the moment,  you really need to  re-establish  your 
sense of purpose in life,  and then start to fulfil this  purpose 
in a meaningful and constant way.   Find your own pace, and don’t 
attempt anything that you’re not ready for.   Don’t promise  more 
than you can deliver. 
Saturn Opposite Ascendant 
Either  yourself  or  lovers  could become  much  more  cool  and 
unsympathetic now - causing tensions,  conflicts and problems  in 
relationships.   Personal  restrictions which up until  now  have 
seemed  tolerable  will now suddenly seem  equally  unbearable  - 
you’ll  both  want and demand personal  freedom.   Any  new  love 
relationships  started around now could prove to be  heavy  going 
and more trouble than they’re worth. 
You’ve now probably had enough of just sitting around,  twiddling 
your thumbs, and feel an incredible powerful urge to take action. 
The problem is that circumstances,  or people,  could be blocking 
your way - therefore causing major frustration..leading to anger. 
People  who have some kind of authority over you may be  a  prime 
cause of concern. 
One minute you could be feeling elated, full of confidence and on 
top of the world...and then within no time at all..you could find 
yourself  sinking  to the depths of depression.   Try to  find  a 
comfortable  middle ground until disruptive planetary  influences 
fade away. 
Saturn Opposite MC 
The last thing you’ll want to do at the moment is to sit back and 
be  patient...but that’s exactly what you need  to  do.   Rushing 
forth with all guns blazing would be a mistake.   Decisions  made 
now  need  to be well considered and logical..and  not  based  on 
blind emotion.   Concentrate all your additional pent up, intense 
energy into constant hard work...instead of deliberately  looking 
for conflicts. 
You may now either reap the rewards of past hard work and  effort 
-  or enforced changes may disrupt your  daily  routine.   Either 
way,  there’s  likely  to  be an increase  in  responsibility  in 
personal and/or professional relationships. 
However,  patience will be needed.   Don’t rush plans and  ideas. 
You  may  also have to find a more practical  compromise  between 
your  personal  and  professional life - so that  one  no  longer 
interferes with the other. 
Some inevitable changes which you’ve been avoiding for some  time 
may  now be forced upon you.   However,  instead of wallowing  in 
past mistakes - look to the future.   Don’t be too rigid in  your 
outlook.  Remember that every ending must have a new beginning. 
Take  care  not  to overwork during  this  time.   Emotional  and 
physical exhaustion could lead to ill health. 

Saturn Trine Sun 
During this period you'll be able to pursue your long-range goals 
and  ambitions  with determination,  application  and  incredible 
self-discipline.   Whatever you do will seem to run smoothly  and 
turn out well and you're likely to receive much help and  support 
as  you steadily climb up the ladder of success,  because  others 
won't  feel threatened by your presence.   Take advantage of  any 
opportunities that are now offered. 
In particular, this would be an excellent time to embark on a new 
field  of  study...or  perhaps a  training  scheme,  which  could 
enhance  your  career potential.   In your  experience  to  date, 
you've already laid firm and strong career foundations...it's now 
time to build those supporting walls. 
Also,  make  sure  that  your  hard  work,  self  discipline  and 
willingness to take responsibility is noticed by those who count. 
There's no harm in blowing your own trumpet every now and then  - 
make them sit up and take notice! 
If  you're  quite satisfied with your life at  the  moment,  and 
don't  have  any particular goals of your  own  to  pursue,  then 
you'll  be  in an excellent position to actually offer  help  and 
support to someone who is working extremely hard to achieve their 
ambitions and goals....why not help them along that rocky path of 
A romance or friendship from the past may suddenly be revived and 
rekindled.    Just  take  care  that  this  is  what  you  really 
want...be  aware  that indulging this  nostalgia  may  jeopardise 
present relationships. 
With  energy  levels running high,  health  and  vitality  should 
improve now, as should physical strength. 
Saturn Trine Moon 
Your  mood will now be serious,  cautious and conservative -  but 
with an air of optimism and confidence.   You'll possess a  great 
deal  of  common  sense...and will feel that  your  physical  and 
mental needs are in balance with your more acute emotional needs. 
Personal and professional responsibilities should also be  better 
balanced.   Therefore,  past problems, stress and tensions should 
now be more easily resolved. 
During this period you'll be able to pursue your long-range goals 
and  ambitions  with determination,  application  and  incredible 
self-discipline.   Whatever you do will seem to run smoothly  and 
turn out well and you're likely to receive much help and  support 
as  you steadily climb up the ladder of success,  because  others 
won't  feel threatened by your presence.   Take advantage of  any 
opportunities that are now offered. 
Possessing  plenty of organisational skills and business  acumen, 
you'll   be   shrewd   in   your   financial   and   professional 
dealings...especially with property or real estate  matters.   If 
necessary,  you'll  be prepared to endure hardships in  order  to 
pursue long term dreams and ambitions. 
A connection with the past could also stir old memories.  You may 
stumble across an old diary, or a former friend or lover from the 
past.  An older person may also prove a tremendous support at the 
moment...take notice of any advice given. 
Saturn Trine Mercury 
Practical, common sense combined with clear, logical thought will 
should  enable you to make organised,  positive and  constructive 
plans  for  the  future.    Having  planned  all  the   intricate 
pieces of your life,  and then slotted them in a rational  order, 
you'll be able to see the whole picture of what's ahead -  rather 
like completing a jigsaw in your mind. 
However,  this isn't the time to make radical changes,  it's  the 
time  to  prepare the groundwork and build firm  foundations  for 
future goals and ambitions.  Just ensure that once a goal is set, 
it will be adhered to. 
Possessing sound business sense,  this would also be an excellent 
time  to  research  any new  financial,  career  or  professional 
venture.  Recognising your capacity for concentrated mental work, 
you  may even consider some specialised training or schooling  in 
your  current  field,  or retraining for a  completely  different 
Strong, stable powers of concentration and accurate communication 
will  enable  you  to get any point across - so if  you  need  to 
convince others,  especially people in authority,  on any matter, 
then this would be the time to do it. 
However, a word of warning.  Beware becoming overly-obsessed with 
your  own opinions,  and rigid in your thoughts.   In  months  to 
come,  your  outlook  will need to remain flexible  in  order  to 
progress to the next stage of your plans. 
Saturn Trine Venus 
If  you've recently experienced problems with a current lover  or 
partner, then now's the time to try to sort them out.  Possessing 
a  clearer understanding of your partner's  needs,  your  genuine 
effort   to  cement  the  bonds  between  you  will  be   greatly 
appreciated, and reciprocated. 
If  you're  unattached,  you  could now be drawn to  a  new  love 
affair.  Although any relationship started during this time won't 
instantly transport you into  whirlwind, starry-eyed romance; the 
allure of a promising,  stable,  secure and lasting love will  be 
hard to resist.   One of you within the relationship is likely to 
be more mature than the other, either in age or experience. 
During  this  time,  you'll be drawn to anything  which  combines 
beauty and age.  Creatively and artistically, you may now take an 
interest in museums,  classical  concerts,  antiques,  heirlooms, 
vintage cars,  period fashion...or whatever particular speciality 
of days gone by most stirs your imagination and love of beauty. 
A connection with the past could also stir old memories.  You may 
stumble across an old diary, or a former friend or lover from the 
Business and financial transactions will also be favoured  during 
this  time.   A  combination of your practical common  sense  and 
intuitive  understanding  of  the  needs  of  all  parties   will 
strengthen negotiations and contracts.   Promotions and pay rises 
could also brighten this period. 
Saturn Trine Mars 
During  this  period you'll be capable of  extremely  hard  work, 
channelling  a great deal of energy and drive  towards  achieving 
goals   and  ambitions.    You'll  be  able  to  see  the   whole 
picture...organising many small details into an overall picture - 
much like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. 
Interference  will  not be tolerated,  but all your  actions  and 
thoughts  will be controlled and well thought  out.   If  there's 
hard  work  to  be done,  then a  combination  of  energy,  self- 
assertion and aggression will enable you to complete what you set 
out to do.  In short, you'll give everything your very best shot. 
During  this period you'll be capable of tackling any  work  that 
needs precision and attention to detail.   Patience will be  your 
keyword  as  you  work slowly,  but surely  towards  your  goals. 
You're  on your way up,  and that's exactly where you  intend  to 
Long  standing  difficulties  and  problems  should  finally   be 
resolved  because  you'll see them in a new  light,  and  through 
careful  attention  to detail,  you'll come up  with  unique  and 
original answers. 
Competitors  will  be left standing as you shoot ahead  into  the 
fast lane.  This could cause a few problems as colleagues who are 
left  behind  in a cloud of dust..and even  people  in  authority 
above  you...may start to see you as some kind  of  threat.   But 
they'll  find  you a strong and  relentless  opponent.   This  is 
certainly   a  time  when  any  obstacles..or  set-backs..can   be 
Saturn Trine Jupiter 
This would be an excellent time to start anything  new.   Feeling 
restless,  adventurous  and  extremely receptive  to  new  ideas, 
you'll now be looking to do something completely different -  and 
whatever  you  do start during this time should  turn  out  well. 
Business deals should be particularly profitable around now. 
In  fact...financially,  this  could  prove to  be  an  extremely 
successful  and lucrative time in your life.   Feeling  confident 
that  you have the Midas touch...you'll be more than  willing  to 
take a few calculated risks.   Just one word of warning...do make 
sure  that  any risks that you do take have first  been  properly 
considered.   Think  carefully  and wisely  before  making  major 
financial commitments. 
Taking  up some kind of new study or retraining  programme  could 
also work to your advantage.  Be brave enough to take a bold step 
forward towards a new path or direction.   Any decisions made now 
should  work to your benefit...even if you don't immediately  see 
and reap the rewards - they will eventually come. 
As you'll also be feeling so loving towards friends,  lovers  and 
family...why  not  consider taking a  holiday  around  now...with 
someone you love?   Or, if you can't get away...maybe the holiday 
will  come  to  you.    You  may  have  surprise  visitors   from 
abroad..perhaps  even  family that you haven't seen  for  a  long 
Saturn Trine Saturn 
This  is a time of preparation and control - a time to lay  solid 
foundations   for  the  future.    Because  you  have  a   better 
understanding  of  your own needs and desires,  and  because  you 
have learned from past experience...during this period you'll  be 
able   to  pursue  your  long-range  goals  and  ambitions   with 
determination, application and incredible self-discipline. 
Whatever  you do will seem to run smoothly and turn out well  and 
you're  likely to receive much help and support as  you  steadily 
climb  up  the  ladder of  success,  because  others  won't  feel 
threatened by your presence.   Therefore,  take advantage of  any 
opportunities that are now offered. 
Strong, stable powers of concentration and accurate communication 
will  enable  you  to get any point across - so if  you  need  to 
convince others,  especially people in authority,  on any matter, 
then this would be the time to do it. 
If  you've recently experienced problems with a current lover  or 
partner, then now's the time to try to sort them out.  Possessing 
a  clearer understanding of your partner's  needs,  your  genuine 
effort   to  cement  the  bonds  between  you  will  be   greatly 
appreciated, and reciprocated. 
Saturn Trine Uranus 
Business and financial transactions will be favoured during  this 
time.  A combination of your practical common sense and intuitive 
understanding  of  the  needs  of  all  parties  will  strengthen 
negotiations and contracts.   Promotions and pay rises could also 
unexpectedly brighten this period. 
During  this  period you'll be capable of  extremely  hard  work, 
channelling  a great deal of energy and drive  towards  achieving 
goals   and  ambitions.    You'll  be  able  to  see  the   whole 
picture...organising many small details into an overall picture - 
much  like putting together a jigsaw puzzle.   Having reaped  the 
rewards  of  past experiences...there will be more  stability  in 
your  life - a combination of the old and new.   Changes made  in 
previous  years  which  may have seemed  painful  then...will  be 
more appreciated now. 
Interference  will  not be tolerated,  but all your  actions  and 
thoughts  will be controlled and well thought  out.   If  there's 
hard  work  to  be done,  then a  combination  of  energy,  self- 
assertion and aggression will enable you to complete what you set 
out to do.  In short, you'll give everything your very best shot. 
Saturn Trine Neptune 
This  is a time for calmness and serenity.   Creativity  will  be 
heightened.   You'll  now  be  able to  structure  your  powerful 
imagination in a positive, constructive way.  Ideas, thoughts and 
plans  could now become concrete reality.   You'll have a  better 
understanding of your life - and the paths that you've chosen  to 
follow.  Lessons and experiences from the past will now be put to 
good use. 
Putting others needs before your own...you're now likely to  give 
a friend in need a helping hand.   Thoughts and studies are  also 
likely to turn spiritual and more meditative.  You'll now be more 
prepared  to listen to your inner voice  and  intuition.   Memory 
recall should also be greatly improved. 
This  is likely a time when you'll reap the rewards  of  previous 
hard work and effort.  If important business decisions need to be 
made,  then  rely  on your intuition - it will steer you  in  the 
right direction. 
Saturn Trine Pluto 
During this period you'll be able to pursue your long-range goals 
and  ambitions  with determination,  application  and  incredible 
self-discipline.   Whatever you do will seem to run smoothly  and 
turn out well and you're likely to receive much help and  support 
as  you steadily climb up the ladder of success,  because  others 
won't  feel threatened by your presence.   Take advantage of  any 
opportunities that are now offered. 
Your  mood will now be serious,  cautious and conservative -  but 
with an air of optimism and confidence.   You'll possess a  great 
deal  of  common  sense...and will feel that  your  physical  and 
mental needs are in balance with your more acute emotional needs. 
Personal and professional responsibilities should also be  better 
balanced.   Therefore,  past problems, stress and tensions should 
now be more easily resolved. 
Practical, common sense combined with clear, logical thought will 
should  enable you to make organised,  positive and  constructive 
plans  for  the  future.    Having  planned  all  the   intricate 
pieces of your life,  and then slotted them in a rational  order, 
you'll be able to see the whole picture of what's ahead -  rather 
like completing a jigsaw in your mind. 
Saturn Trine Ascendant 
If  you've recently experienced problems with a current lover  or 
partner, then now's the time to try to sort them out.  Possessing 
a  clearer understanding of your partner's  needs,  your  genuine 
effort   to  cement  the  bonds  between  you  will  be   greatly 
appreciated, and reciprocated. 
However, interference will not be tolerated, but all your actions 
and thoughts will be controlled and well thought out.  If there's 
hard  work  to  be done,  then a  combination  of  energy,  self- 
assertion and aggression will enable you to complete what you set 
out to do.  In short, you'll give everything your very best shot. 
This would be an excellent time to start anything  new.   Feeling 
restless,  adventurous  and  extremely receptive  to  new  ideas, 
you'll now be looking to do something completely different -  and 
whatever  you  do start during this time should  turn  out  well. 
Business deals should be particularly profitable around now. 
Strong, stable powers of concentration and accurate communication 
will  enable  you  to get any point across - so if  you  need  to 
convince others,  especially people in authority,  on any matter, 
then this would be the time to do it. 
Saturn Trine MC 
Business and financial transactions will be favoured during  this 
time.  A combination of your practical common sense and intuitive 
understanding  of  the  needs  of  all  parties  will  strengthen 
negotiations and contracts.   Promotions and pay rises could also 
unexpectedly brighten this period. 
Creativity will be heightened.   You'll now be able to  structure 
your  powerful  imagination  in  a  positive,  constructive  way. 
Ideas,  thoughts  and  plans could now become  concrete  reality. 
You'll  have a better understanding of your life - and the  paths 
that you've chosen to follow.   Lessons and experiences from  the 
past will now be put to good use. 
In particular, this would be an excellent time to embark on a new 
field  of  study...or  perhaps a  training  scheme,  which  could 
enhance  your  career potential.   In your  experience  to  date, 
you've already laid firm and strong career foundations...it's now 
time to build those supporting walls. 

Saturn Square Sun 
Unexpected  disruptions to your life and ambitions may cause  you 
to question the validity of your recent actions.   There could be 
times  during  this period when you feel that you’re  fighting  a 
frustrating,  losing  battle..suddenly everyone seems opposed  to 
your plans and ideas...challenging and resisting those same plans 
they supported not so long ago. 
Your  authority in your job may be undermined in some way  -  you 
could be asked to take on menial, low-status work - diverting you 
from  your  projected career goals  and  ambitions.   This  could 
obviously   lead   to   moments   of   frustration   and   anger. 
Alternatively,  if you are in a high position of  authority,  you 
may  inflict this antagonising scenario on others.   Either  way, 
the   atmosphere  at  work  could  be  one  of  indignation   and 
The  planet  Saturn is now testing your patience  and  powers  of 
endurance..but  as  you  may be  forced  to  constantly  struggle 
against  obstacles put in your path,  this could inevitably  take 
its  toll  on  your  health...leaving in  its  wake  a  sense  of 
tiredness and depression. 
Nevertheless,  it  is  possible to convert negative  energy  into 
positive.   Don’t struggle against the tide.   Instead,  work  as 
efficiently  and productively as you can until you recognise  the 
time when you can start to move forward again. 
Saturn Square Moon 
This  is a time when you will have to restore a sense of  balance 
to  your  life...especially  the balance  between  emotional  and 
personal relationships...and work.  In this regard, there are two 
possible options. 
The first is that you’ve been neglecting your home  life,  lovers 
or friends and sacrificing personal relationships for the sake of 
your work and career.  But you may now have to ask yourself....is 
it  worth feeling quite so isolated and lonely just to take  that 
next step up the career ladder?   Is it time to re-evaluate  your 
Now...the  second option comes into force if you feel  that  your 
personal relationships are holding you back and interfering  with 
your  ambitions.   If this is the case...then it’s a romance  not 
worth  holding onto.   This may the time to make  a  break...give 
yourself some breathing space to concentrate on your career...and 
then find a partner who will offer the strength, help and support 
you need to forge ahead with making your dreams come true. 
Either way...whilst these changes are being made..this could be a 
period  of inner solitude and lonliness...tempered with a bit  of 
guilt stemming from painful memories from the past. 
Parents  and women in general may also present problems  at  this 
Saturn Square Mercury 
During  this  time  you  may  have  trouble  communicating   with 
others...trouble in getting your message across.  You may feel as 
if everything you say is misunderstood - this will either cause a 
feeling  of hopelessness..or sheer anger  and  frustration.   You 
simply  cannot understand why others don’t understand your  point 
of view. 
But,  could  it  be  that you’ve become too set in  your  way  of 
thinking?   Are you actually listening to their point of view  as 
This is a time when you should avoid negotiating legal, financial 
or business transactions as you,  yourself,  may have trouble  in 
either understanding red tape or interpreting the fine print. 
In  your  work  or  study,  you  could  be  burdened  with  extra 
responsibilities and heavy burdens,  made even more difficult  by 
an inability to concentrate. 
Health  could  also be affected during  this  period,  especially 
anything to do with the throat,  lungs or any other illness which 
could affect your speech. 
Saturn Square Venus 
To say that you’ve had a better time in love relationships  would 
be an understatement.   Tension, conflict, friction...they’re all 
words to describe the way you’re now likely to be feeling towards 
a lover or marriage partner.   Problems which have been  bubbling 
away beneath the surface are now likely to violently  erupt,  and 
if the differences are irreconcilable,  then the relationship may 
come  to an abrupt halt. 
However, a strong and basically secure relationship built on firm 
foundations  could  survive this rather turbulent  period  -  and 
although  by the end of all the emotional combat you both  emerge 
somewhat   traumatised...you’ll  also  emerge  with  a   stronger 
understanding of each other’s needs and a love which will survive 
against all odds. 
This unsettled, restless and impulsive behaviour could affect all 
areas  of your life,  not just your  love  life.   Work,  career, 
relationships   with  friends  and  family...they  are  all   now 
vulnerable to a sense of anxiety and tension.   You’re now likely 
to   feel that you just can’t be bothered with all the  pressures 
and  responsibilities that life throws forward on a daily  basis. 
However, when planning your escape route, be sure that your plans 
are  carefully thought out...or the escape route could  lead  you 
down  dangerous paths.   If badly planned tunnel walls  collapse, 
then   feelings   of   restlessness  could   turn   into   lonely 
Saturn Square Mars 
The fiery Mars temper will be at its fiercest under this  transit 
of Saturn square Mars.  A smouldering anger will be bubbling away 
inside  you...and  heaven help the innocent bystander  when  this 
anger is vented! 
You  may not even understand why you’re feeling so irritated  and 
resentful...but for some of you it’s the culmination of months of 
frustration...and  you can now no longer sit back and ignore  the 
unacceptable situation around you. 
Ego clashes are likely...with everyone and anyone who happens  to 
be    around!      Lovers..business    colleagues..friends    and 
family...none  will escape your wrath. 
Work could seem laborious as for every step you take forward..you 
may  take two steps backwards.   This will obviously just add  to 
your   frustration  but  don’t  expect  much  co-operation   from 
colleagues  as  your own intensity  and  unsympathetic  behaviour 
could both threaten and alienate them.   Also, this transit often 
indicates  a  ruthless  determination  and  ambition...with   the 
subject  not caring who they trample along the road  to  success. 
This is not a way to ‘win friends and influence people’! 
Avoid any legal or official matters during this time - they could 
become problematic. 
This  transit can also indicate  accidents and injury -  so  care 
must be taken throughout the period, especially when driving cars 
or handling heavy machinery. 
Saturn Square Jupiter 
There’s a certain amount of tension and confusion in your mind as 
to what to do next.   One minute you could be feeling elated...as 
if  you  could conquer the world...and the next  minute  plunging 
into the depths of depression...questioning and doubting your own 
abilities.   However,  don’t reject any changes in your life,  no 
matter how disruptive. 
If  opportunities do come your way during this period..then  take 
them...even  if you are in one of your  “doubting”  moods.  These 
opportunities  will  represent a new chance to  break  free  from 
outworn  inhibiting  habits and circumstances. 
Don’t  worry  if you feel that you’re sometimes taking  one  step 
forwards...and  yet another step backwards...this period  is  all 
about    balanced    personal   growth...for    everything    you 
learn...something  will  have to fall by the  wayside...maybe  an 
outworn   idea..maybe   a  mundane  job...maybe  even   a   stale 
relationship..but whatever you’ve now cut out of your life,  it’s 
because it’s no longer needed. 
Something hidden from your personal past may now come to light. 
Patience  will be needed during this time,  don’t rush plans  and 
ideas.   Put temporary brakes on any major financial or  business 
plans  whilst there’s so much confusion concerning  your  future. 
Wait  until the dust settles.   There may also be  some  conflict 
between  your  personal  life  and  career...with  one  seemingly 
interfering with the other.   Be prepared to compromise..and find 
a balance between these two important areas of your life. 
Saturn Square Saturn 
This  may  not be one of the easiest times of  your  life.   Your 
confidence may be easily shattered,  and self inflicted  feelings 
of  self doubt could create problems where there  are  none.   In 
other  words,  you  could go looking for trouble -  and  worrying 
about  events  and  possibilities  that  haven’t  even  happened. 
However,  you  could  be creating a  “Catch  22”  situation.   By 
actually  worrying  too much,  you could create  anxiety  attacks 
and problems which should never have existed in the first  place. 
Whatever  you started in the last major aspect of  Saturn,  which 
would  have  been seven years ago - may now be put to  the  test. 
This  could  affect any area of your life -  your  job,  personal 
relationships,  business  or  family life.   Whatever  the  case, 
you’ll  now  be  devoted much more time to  deep  soul  searching 
thought  -  questioning  the direction and value  of  your  life. 
In some cases, drastic changes will need to be made. 
However,  you  may  find  that obstacles are put  in  your  path. 
You’ll  either  decide to jump these hurdles - or lay  low  until 
your strength and confidence returns...which should be after this 
transit has passed. 
Avoid  making business or property related decisions around  now, 
as you may find problems with the legal side of the  transaction. 
You  may  also have problems with parents,  or  older  people  in 
authority - either in your personal or business life. 
Saturn Square Uranus 
This  is  a  time of testing.   Events  will  change  your  life. 
However,  if  things start to go wrong - then instead  of  losing 
your  temper  and  blaming everyone but yourself  -  examine  the 
situation  carefully and analyse what’s happening.   The  answers 
may  surprise you...and you’ll probably find they have  a  strong 
connection with past events or your own past actions. 
However,   circumstances  may  bring  about  sudden  changes   or 
problems  in  either your personal or  professional  life.   This 
will undoubtedly cause tension...especially if every effort  that 
you  make  is blocked by previously  unforseen  difficulties  and 
obstacles.   This won’t be the best time to produce good  results 
from a team effort.  Try to work alone. 
Financial problems could cause legal difficulties.  Also, this is 
a time to beware of sudden accidents.   Avoid making business  or 
property related decisions around now,  as you may find  problems 
with  the  legal  side of the transaction.   You  may  also  have 
problems with parents,  or older people in authority - either  in 
your personal or business life.   Personal and love relationships 
may also suffer traumatic changes around now. 
Saturn Square Neptune 
Unexpected  disruptions to your life and ambitions may cause  you 
to question the validity of your recent actions.   There could be 
times  during  this period when you feel that you’re  fighting  a 
frustrating,  losing  battle..suddenly everyone seems opposed  to 
your plans and ideas...challenging and resisting those same plans 
they supported not so long ago. 
You  may not even understand why you’re feeling so irritated  and 
resentful...but for some of you it’s the culmination of months of 
frustration...and  you can now no longer sit back and ignore  the 
unacceptable situation around you. 
This  is a time when you will have to restore a sense of  balance 
to  your  life...especially  the balance  between  emotional  and 
personal  relationships...and work.    If you’ve been  neglecting 
your  home  life,  lovers  or friends  and  sacrificing  personal 
relationships  for the sake of your work and career..you’ll  have 
to ask yourself why...and it is worth the sacrifice? 
If  the answer is that you feel that your personal  relationships 
are  holding you back and interfering with your  ambitions,  then 
this  could  be  the time to make a  break...give  yourself  some 
breathing  space to concentrate on your career...and then find  a 
partner who will offer the strength, help and support you need to 
forge ahead with making your dreams come true. 
Saturn Square Pluto 
The  planet  Saturn is now testing your patience  and  powers  of 
endurance..but  as  you  may be  forced  to  constantly  struggle 
against  obstacles put in your path,  this could inevitably  take 
its  toll  on  your  health...leaving in  its  wake  a  sense  of 
tiredness and depression. 
Nevertheless,  it  is  possible to convert negative  energy  into 
positive.   Don’t struggle against the tide.   Instead,  work  as 
efficiently  and productively as you can until you recognise  the 
time when you can start to move forward again. 
During  this  time  you  may  have  trouble  communicating   with 
others...trouble  in  getting your message across or  making  the 
changes in your life that you want to make.   You may feel as  if 
everything  you say is misunderstood - this will either  cause  a 
feeling  of hopelessness..or sheer anger  and  frustration.   You 
simply  cannot understand why others don’t understand your  point 
of view.  But, could it be that you’ve become too set in your way 
of thinking?   Are you actually listening to their point of  view 
as well?  Could all this conflict be avoided? 
This  is a time when you will have to restore a sense of  balance 
to  your  life...especially  the balance  between  emotional  and 
personal  relationships...and  work.  It’s  also a  time  to  rid 
yourself of unwanted deadwood...the fewer the burdens..the easier 
it will be to rebuild for the future. 
Take extra care when handling machinery or sharp objects as  your 
excessive energy could lead to accidents. 
Saturn Square Ascendant 
To say that you’ve had a better time in love relationships  would 
be an understatement.   Tension, conflict, friction...they’re all 
words to describe the way you’re now likely to be feeling towards 
a lover or marriage partner.   Problems which have been  bubbling 
away beneath the surface are now likely to violently  erupt,  and 
if the differences are irreconcilable,  then the relationship may 
come  to an abrupt halt. 
Ego clashes are likely...with everyone and anyone who happens  to 
be    around!      Lovers..business    colleagues..friends    and 
family...none  will escape your wrath. 
This  may  not be one of the easiest times of  your  life.   Your 
confidence may be easily shattered,  and self inflicted  feelings 
of  self doubt could create problems where there  are  none.   In 
other  words,  you  could go looking for trouble -  and  worrying 
about  events  and  possibilities  that  haven’t  even  happened. 
However,  you  could  be creating a  “Catch  22”  situation.   By 
actually worrying too much,  you could create anxiety attacks and 
problems which should never have existed in the first place. 
Saturn Square Midheaven 
The  planet  Saturn is now testing your patience  and  powers  of 
endurance..but  as  you  may be  forced  to  constantly  struggle 
against  obstacles put in your path,  this could inevitably  take 
its  toll  on  your  health...leaving in  its  wake  a  sense  of 
tiredness and depression. 
Your  authority in your job may be undermined in some way  -  you 
could be asked to take on menial, low-status work - diverting you 
from  your  projected career goals  and  ambitions.   This  could 
obviously   lead   to   moments   of   frustration   and   anger. 
Alternatively,  if you are in a high position of  authority,  you 
may  inflict this antagonising scenario on others.   Either  way, 
the   atmosphere  at  work  could  be  one  of  indignation   and 
During  this  time  you  may  have  trouble  communicating   with 
others...trouble in getting your message across.  You may feel as 
if everything you say is misunderstood - this will either cause a 
feeling  of hopelessness..or sheer anger  and  frustration.   You 
simply  cannot understand why others don’t understand your  point 
of view.  But, could it be that you’ve become too set in your way 
of thinking?   Are you actually listening to their point of  view 
as well? 

Saturn Sextile Sun 
This  is a time of patience and self discipline,  with  excellent 
clarity   of  thought.   You  should  now  have   the   strength, 
determination and concentration required to achieve personal  and 
professional goals and ambitions, and you'll be down to earth and 
honest in all your dealings. 
Recognition and rewards are now likely to come your way...and you 
may even find yourself in the public eye or in a higher  position 
of authority.     You should also have more contact with powerful 
well-known people...and new friendships may be formed with  older 
Success is likely through hard work and patience.   In fact, this 
could  seem  quite  a  lucky  time  -  when  plans,   ideas   and 
opportunities  seemingly appear from nowhere.   But if you  think 
back  over the past few years..you'll realise that these  welcome 
rewards are the result of previous hard work and efforts. Because 
of  your  patience,  excellent organisational abilities  and  far 
sightedness,  this is also a time to reinforce the structure  and 
foundations  of  your life,  against the  possibility  of  future 
Business  contacts could develop into romance...one of you  could 
possibly  be much older than the other.   Either  way...this  new 
lover  will  probably have a stabilising effect on  your  life  - 
guiding you through previously unexplored territories. 
Saturn Sextile Moon 
This is a time when you'll become much more involved in the daily 
routine  of home life.   It's time to take more control  of  your 
family  life.  Just for now,  professional responsibilities  will 
need to take a back seat to more pressing personal matters. 
Family  finances  may now be under review - and because  of  your 
clarity and precision of thought, this would be an excellent time 
to plan home financial budgets. 
Feeling   more  self-disciplined,   objective   and   emotionally 
controlled,  this  would be a good time to talk any  problems  or 
complications  through  with  loved  ones.    Logical,   sensible 
solutions should now ease long standing domestic tensions. 
New friendships may be formed with older individuals...or you may 
have more contact than usual with parents or other older  members 
of  your  family.   Your  mother may be of  particular  help  and 
support to you now.   A problematical issue from the past may now 
be resolved. 
Saturn Sextile Mercury 
If  there's  any  task  that  needs  serious  thought,  study  or 
concentration,  then  this is the best time to tackle  it.   Your 
concentration  span  and patience threshold will be  much  higher 
than  usual.   With feet firmly and realistically planted in  the 
ground...this   won't   be  a  time  for   chasing   dreams   and 
rainbows...but  it  could  be  a time  for  turning  dreams  into 
Any  job  or  project  that requires  you  to  pay  attention  to 
detail...as  well  as  it evaluate as  a  whole...should  now  be 
attended  to.   In  short,  this a time for work  which  requires 
mental     discipline,     organisation     and     uninterrupted 
concentration...a  time for long terms plans.   You may now  also 
choose to research or write about a particular  subject...perhaps 
something to do with history or events,  people or objects linked 
with antiquity or age.  Short journeys are likely. 
However,  whatever project you choose, do be careful of being too 
fixed  and narrow minded in your outlook.   Remember that  others 
may also be able to contribute with valid viewpoints.   This lack 
of  flexibility...and  the  result  of  too  much  work  and   no 
play...could leave you stuck in a rut. 
Contact with brothers and sisters is likely...as is contact  with 
older people...or people in authority. 
Saturn Sextile Venus 
Being  more willing to consider your partner's point of view  and 
feelings,  a practical,  no-nonsense attitude to love and romance 
will  ensure that any personal differences between should now  be 
satisfactorily resolved.   This is a time when the head will rule 
the heart...and not the other way around as is usually the case! 
Professional  and career success is likely through hard work  and 
patience.   This is an excellent time to negotiate contracts  and 
agreements, as no detail will be overlooked and you'll be willing 
to contribute more personal effort and time into any project. 
In  fact,  this could seem quite a fortunate time -  when  plans, 
ideas  and opportunities seemingly appear from nowhere.   But  if 
you think back over the past few years..you'll realise that these 
welcome rewards are the result of previous hard work and efforts. 
Because  of your increased imagination and  creativity,  this  is 
also  a time to participate in more artistic pursuits. 
Business  contacts could develop into romance...one of you  could 
possibly  be much older than the other.   Either  way...this  new 
lover  will  probably have a stabilising and maturing  effect  on 
your   life   -  guiding  you   through   previously   unexplored 
Saturn Sextile Mars 
During  this  time you will be able to channel your energy  in  a 
constructive,  objective  and disciplined manner.   No task  will 
seem too great and whatever you start now will probably withstand 
the test of time. 
This would therefore be an excellent time to make or pursue  long 
term plans and ambitions,  or to begin major projects.  This is a 
time of tremendous professional discipline and organisation. 
You'll   now  be  capable  of  extremely  hard   work,   with   a 
concentration and intense energy that will drive you onwards  and 
upwards.   You'll see each task and project as a  challenge...one 
which must be completed at all costs.  The exact amount of energy 
required will be expended on each task - with no time or precious 
energy wasted. 
Career  promotion  is  now likely as  people  in  authority  will 
recognise  the  value of your enthusiasm and ability  to  produce 
concrete and practical results. 
New  business  opportunities  could  also now  open  up  to  you, 
presenting  new  business contracts and agreement which  in  time 
should  prove  extremely  lucrative.    This  would  also  be  an 
excellent time to either buy or sell property. 
Saturn Sextile Jupiter 
This would be the perfect time to plan for the future - as you'll 
now be prepared to explore and expand into news areas, but with a 
certain  degree  of  caution.   This is a time when  a  sense  of 
adventure  is perfectly balanced with good old  fashioned  common 
sense!   This is a time for learning and for turning dreams  into 
reality.   Make  the  best  of any opportunity  that  comes  your 
way...and it's likely to! 
All  financial matters and investments should proceed smoothly  - 
and could prove extremely lucrative.   Being more serious  minded 
regarding  money,  you  won't  be  willing  to  take  risks,  and 
therefore  all  financial strategies will now  be  well  planned. 
Promotion or business expansion is likely. 
Help  and  support  may come  from  established  and  respectable 
sources...possibly  from older people,  or from your  parents  or 
people  in  some kind of authority.   Legal,  insurance  and  tax 
matters should also proceed smoothly. 
Saturn Sextile Saturn 
All  financial matters and investments should proceed smoothly  - 
and could prove extremely lucrative.   Being more serious  minded 
and  practical  regarding money,  you won't be  willing  to  take 
risks,  and  therefore all financial strategies will now be  well 
Promotion   or   business   expansion   is   likely...with   many 
professional  opportunities originating from your  determination, 
and  strong,  solid  foundations laid over the  past  few  years. 
Previous hard work should now be rewarded. 
Help  and  support  may come  from  established  and  respectable 
sources...possibly  from older people,  or from your  parents  or 
people  in  some kind of authority.   Legal,  insurance  and  tax 
matters should also proceed satisfactorily. 
Personal  plans  and ambitions could  now  become  reality.   But 
before you rush headlong down new previously unexplored paths and 
avenues...make sure it's what you really want to do...rather than 
what  someone  else  wants  you  to  do.   Allow  more  time  for 
meditative  thought  - sit quietly...and listen to the  voice  of 
your inner self. 
Saturn Sextile Uranus 
Feeling  optimistic,  you'll now be looking to  the  future...and 
you'll  be  more prepared than ever before to  explore  uncharted 
territory.     Combining   previous   experience   with   present 
ability...this will be an excellent time to apply original  ideas 
in  a  practical way.  Creative ideas could now  be  turned  into 
concrete reality. 
New  friendships could be formed,  possibly with older  and  more 
mature  individuals.   You'll  rely on  these  loyal,  dependable 
friends  for  their truthfulness  and  excellent  advice.  You'll 
also  now  be more willing than usual to working a  team  effort, 
rather than go it alone. 
Think back several years...and you'll realise that the dreams  of 
a  few years ago are now becoming  reality.   Although  upsetting 
changes  made  at the time seemed hopeless...you'll  now  realise 
that they happened for a reason.   A certain amount of disruption 
in  your  life  should now create more  changes...but  this  time 
try to go with the flow - don't fight the inevitable. 
Saturn Sextile Neptune 
This  will  be  a  time  of  deep  meditation  and  thought...but 
nevertheless  also  a time when you'll be able  to  channel  your 
energy in a constructive,  objective and disciplined manner.   No 
task will seem too great and whatever you start now will probably 
withstand the test of time.   In particular,  this will be a time 
when you'll be able to balance your material and more  spiritual, 
idealistic desires. 
New friendships may be formed with older individuals...or you may 
have more contact than usual with parents or other older  members 
of  your family.  A problematical issue from the past may now  be 
Any  job  or  project  that requires  you  to  pay  attention  to 
detail...as  well  as  it evaluate as  a  whole...should  now  be 
attended  to.   In  short,  this a time for work  which  requires 
mental     discipline,     organisation     and     uninterrupted 
concentration...a  time for long terms plans.   You may now  also 
choose to research or write about a particular  subject...perhaps 
something to do with history or events,  people or objects linked 
with antiquity or age.  Short journeys are likely. 
However,  there is one strong word of warning during this time  - 
don't  take  yourself too seriously - don't lose  your  sense  of 
Saturn Sextile Pluto 
Success  is likely through hard work.   Although your  powers  of 
endurance  may be tested,  you should emerge victorious from  any 
battles   fought.     Because   of   your   patience,   excellent 
organisational abilities and far sightedness,  this is a time  to 
reinforce the structure and foundations of your life, against the 
possibility  of future problems.   Despite your determination  to 
succeed...by staying within your own physical and mental limits - 
you'll actually achieve more. 
Therefore,  this  is a time of self  discipline,  with  excellent 
clarity of thought...which will enable you to focus your  thought 
and turn positive plans into positive action. You should now have 
the strength, determination and concentration required to achieve 
personal and professional goals and ambitions, and you'll be down 
to earth and honest in all your dealings. 
This is an excellent time to negotiate contracts and  agreements, 
as  no  detail  will  be overlooked  and  you'll  be  willing  to 
contribute more personal effort and time into any project. 
New  friendships could be formed,  possibly with older  and  more 
mature  individuals.   You'll  rely on  these  loyal,  dependable 
friends  for  their truthfulness  and  excellent  advice.  You'll 
also  now  be more willing than usual to working a  team  effort, 
rather than go it alone. 
Saturn Sextile Ascendant 
During  this time you'll possess much common sense and  practical 
ability,  with a very serious air about you.  Beware..however, as 
there  is  the danger that you may take yourself just a  bit  too 
Nevertheless,  your  ability  to communicate and get  along  with 
others  will be heightened...as will your  ambitions.   In  fact, 
around now,  you may find yourself making solid,  long term plans 
for  the future.   Plans made now could establish a  pattern  for 
the next few years of your life.  Others will respect and support 
your  points of view and actions because they'll  recognise  your 
reliability, integrity and sense of responsibility. 
New  friendships could be formed,  possibly with older  and  more 
mature  individuals.   You'll  rely on  these  loyal,  dependable 
friends  for  their truthfulness  and  excellent  advice.  You'll 
also  now  be more willing than usual to working a  team  effort, 
rather than go it alone. 
Saturn Sextile MC 
This is a time when you'll become upwardly mobile,  especially in 
terms  of career advancement...a time of a steady  climb  through 
the ranks to the top.   Friends,  parents and people in authority 
will recognise your discipline, determination and effort and will 
therefore  help  you to move along that next important  stage  in 
your professional life. 
This  should be a time of accomplishment...with much  energy  and 
enthusiasm being devoted to the pursuit of dreams and  ambitions. 
However,   do   make  sure  that  you're  fulfilling   your   own 
ambitions...and not someone else's dreams.   This could also be a 
time  of steady stability and security in your home and  personal 
life.   You  may even find yourself continuing or carrying on  an 
old family tradition in some way.